Why French is the best language ?
I am sure you are asking yourself : "Who is this stupid guy speaking on that topic in English ?", "Maybe a French ?" "Non jamais".
Of course I am French, and it is not of my own initiative if I speak of the French language in English. But no matters, I am sure that I will convince you of the beauty of French. Let's read some arguments about why this language is the best :
- Because France is a beautiful country of course !
Normandy |
Marseille |
Paris |
Alsace |
Volcanos of Auvergne |
- Because it is the language of the songs of Claude François, Edith Piaf, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Stromae and Celine Dion (without forgetting Sexion d'assaut, Kaaris, Louise Attaque, Christophe Mae and all those new "singers" which even French do not know the name).
- Because French is worldwide spoken :
- Because if you do a strike in French you will certainly be more credible.
- Because
French got very nice sounds. Victor Hugo said : " La langue française
[...] commençait à être choisie par les peuples comme intermédiaire entre
l'excès de consonnes du nord et l'excès de voyelles du midi." That, approximately,
wants to say : French language, began to be chosen by peoples as
an intermediary between the excess of consonants of the north and
the excess of vowels of the south. French is used by cosmetics and luxurious products to put a touch of elegance : the "French touch".
- Because it is very easy to learn. The grammar, the synthaxe, the spelling and the conjugation are incredibly simple. LOL. You are right, that was of course ironical.
I hope I have convinced you.
But I will tell you the truth, I don't think there are languages nicer or uglier than others (except Swiss-german, that is maybe the exception which proves the rule). You certainly noticed all my grammatical, vocabulary, conjugation and spelling mistakes and you will not be surprise if I tell you that the only reason I love French is because it is the language I speak the best (and, yes it is possible for me, without any mistakes).
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